What makes you happy ?

This post is purely comments ...let me know, what is it that lets that very happy feeling in your heart and you smile if you remember it yet again.
I played this game once with my fav. cousin..its an old post on my blog and I had a smile when I read it again today. I am sure he would too if I force him read it all over again and I shall do so cos I would love to see a smile and a giggle.
Let me start the thread and I shall add more as I keeping replying ..

What makes me happy >
: Sitting on the floor together, cracking up jokes, on watching a hilarious movie or having too many people together and laughing on a common thread of trivial talk.
: Playing cards and cheating with mischief
: Watching an amazing movie or reading a very interesting book


Seema Garg said…
- mail from a friend (like this post)
- my fav music
- good humour
- chocolates ! :-)
- etc etc ..
Ankit Mittal said…
- cool breeze hitting on my face from the open window of the train with fields/ meadows in sight
(or like i just felt near nariman point yest. while sitting near the sea)
- a good book
- some nice easy-to-understand thought/write-up on life/philosophy/mind-over-matter kindda stuff
- serenity
- a walk down a narrow countryside street with friends n kwality orange bar
- tickling of grey cells
...can go on....
VSood said…
For me,
- Sunday brunch taken reading newspaper while sprawled in the sun
- LONG hot shower
- Lying next to a sleeping baby, or my dog (he's no more , but I have fond memories)
- When my sis's kids come and hug me spontaneously, happiness and laughter all over their face
- When my dog would come and lick my face spontaneously, or snuggle into me, or come just looking for a hug
- Lots more of kids' and dogs' egoless, selfless acts
Vandana Bhatia said…
Oh la la ..I am sorry got really tied up with work to carry on the momentum forward. Nevertheless adding on now so here it goes
:woh sardiyon ki dhoop aur aangan mein lait kar sau jana ..hehe
:an unexpected gift or surprise
:in a boring party finding small comments on various/small things n whispering to all to have fun

care to add more?

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