All That Jazz

I was just catching up on with some friends recently and Ankit quoted on my dance classes. And I quipped to him that I need to write a blog for that. More so it was an excuse for taking time out which I had been avoiding for a long time for a lot of work load around. To an extent I didnt miss my blog for I kept writing in one way or the other :)

I havent left my dance school as yet..and I hope not to do so as well. Its been a long time I have been with them and over these years I have learnt a lot ..a little more than just dance and it helped me overall. I learnt patience dont get things in one shot ..yet you have to keep striving for it..keep on finding what works for you and once you do ..try for even higher..can u do yet better than that. I was commenting to Ashu (at work) that there was a time I wanted to be able to address a group of people as a good communicator and not only a communicator I wanted to hold their attention till the time I was talking and I didnt have it in me. There I learnt a lot from my instructors ...i picked up the enthusiasm and ease they provide me to hold my attention and it works. Its not that I am the best as yet but it worked for me and my feedbacks from that have grown to exceptional levels. It was recently quoted in popular polls there, which was so humbling and I couldnt have even guessed who said that but it was beautiful and I would like to post it here for my records (mind you this is not to gain praise here but purely my memory and I would like to thank the set of people who shared that beautiful thought) "She is best its everyone says. And if u want to know then have an interaction of just a minute."

I havent quipped so beautifully for someone myself and thats how I realised what appreciation is and how it can truly take you to a different dimension altogether. Who so ever said that thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Coming back to what more I learnt more from dance, to not leave it all the way along my flow in another direction, in one words, what all attirbutes I can add to this form of art include attitude, communication , expression (I am still a naive here but am learning), strength , flexibility and foremost alretness. Each form of dance, whatever it may be classical, french or western it has a dimension to improve you at a level, which is inconsequential. They say artists live in a different world altogether and this way you can just be a part of the world to appreciate, what makes them so empowered, to just be the artist. I am no where close there and its a long way to go and I prefer taking small steps towards it. I didnt know a lot of things in dance till until recently, I didnt know at all about internal energy and what can you do with it. Sometimes when we learn a choreography ...its is so difficult to perform due to difficult steps and yet ..the moment we focus on enjoyment more and let go of mind, as a student still we take no inhibitions to do the most difficult part. And yet working this all together i.e. enjoyment ..feeling..technique ..attitude...expression ....talking through your or being generous in sharing...filling up emotions in the dance...drinking the music and make it a source of added energy.. this all is so difficult to do together and sometimes so simple. Its a game to master and a world with no bounds.


Ankit Mittal said…
"It is the nobility of man's soul that he is insatiable." ~Thomas Traheme
Your quest for perfection by improving upon those minutiae exemplifies just that and worth more than a mere thought.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading your beautiful post, poetic in every sense (dunno the synonymous phrase related to dancing) :)
And to talk of addressing an audience, Brutus' speech followed by Antony's in Shakepeare's 'Julius Caesar'
are the ones not to be missed.
Vandana Bhatia said…
Someone said " Confidence on the outside begins by living with integrity on the inside." These thoughts were just a translation of how it helped me being a more confident person. Thats the reason I mentioned to you to take the stance for guitar. One should have such hobbies to create a spice in life. Thank you for the comment and for giving me a thoughtline to write this blog :)
Anonymous said…
I need a lot to learn from you - shall we dance ?
Vandana Bhatia said…
@ddlj420-> hehe ..hold that thought on "shall we dance" movie and its a beautiful movie there, shouldnt be missed and all u need is a craving to get on the same spree :)
Anonymous said…
Sure I would watch it. Tell me this - do you really have to throw your leg way up the way the picture you have put depicts - if so, then I am scared ...
Vandana Bhatia said…
Well dance is not just about throwing a leg up in the air ..its a choreography and the stretches are a part of action which u can do with ease as u gain flexibility. They have done far more tougher parts in Jazz for u to believe :)

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