KANK..a big disappointment!

It may be perfect to say Alvida to the much hyped Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna. This movie bought a question mark to what a waste of such great talents of the industry. The movie is different ..yes the movie fails to evoke any emotions to bind you with it. The screenplay is immensely weak, the situations are so weakly portrayed that it leaves you asking if any of the actors questioned themselves why did they do it! Rani who was outstanding and amazing in Black, portrays a role of a dumb wife who wasnt even sure if she wanted to get married..huh ! She was an obsessive cleaner, but an idiot. Why else would someone fall for a stranger for unknown or illogical reasons. A stranger who is sarcastic, full of negativity and what she has on stake a loving husband ..it defies all logic and feeling. No reasons why should SRK and Rani relationship should start at first place..lest they were people who may leave each other too for any other person who may walk in their respective lives for any other counselling, they have been weak character portrayals. At no point could SRK evoke a feeling of why should someone fall for him...he was emotionless, crude and a negative person who would bite anyone coming near to him and was happily sulking in his own pain with life. He couldnt even put a justice to his kids upbringing..why of all the reasons (read non-reasons) should anyone should fall for him. The movie was a big drab...coming from Dharma productions rated 3 stars from TOI is a flaw. Apart from the New York backdrop and Abhishek doing perfect play there..nothing was right there. Its a gross waste of Amitabh, Rani and Preity (who looked flabby in the movie). Too may hats for Karan to handle on his head maybe.


Kusum Rohra said…
Er, completely agree that the movie is worth an alvida :)
Vandana Bhatia said…
@ddlj420 - I cant say I completly agree to Amitabh's role still. It was a complex character true, but an unbelievable one ..noone is expected to remember and love an ex-wife and yet be with call girls in front of his young son all the time. Its too oblique of a personality. He did what was required but again since the script was week, the dialogues were unimpactful and hence the waste. Rani in versace clothes handling a vaccum cleaner was equally an unauthentic analogy. Never mind its a waste talking over it so much, people have talked about it more than enough to give it the report card. Only today was a news clip where a husband killed his wife for she didnt let go of him (divource) even after seeing a movie...wow if only his movie had a little more weightage people would have valued it more than to be influenced by it ini such a manner.

@kusum - thanks for reading up and your comment :)
Vandana Bhatia said…
I have no apprehensions in Amitabh's acting potential..he was like God in black ..infact no one can do it better than him even at this age..nor do i have apprehension in his negative shades of character for negtive shades are real when put up well as you said for Aamir in Earth..only apprehension is with the script which failed to create an impact or do a justice to the authenticity of his role, such a powerful actor played it so well inspite of all that the character failed to raise an applaud, as much applauds had been for raised for KKHH or any other Karan's flick ..thats when i said he wasted such a great potential he had ! A movie may be highly illogical or unauthentic yet can be enjoyed, this was worth a waste of time people spent on it.
Hazel Dream said…
this movie is not even worth a Post .
Vandana Bhatia said…
@ Hazel dream -> Maybe it wasnt, maybe your comment wasnt needed too. But yet i welcomed it ..for this post, i really wanted to write about it the way i looked upon it verses the expectations. And irrespective of the final outcome! it had so many people's hardwork into it the sets the locales were simply awesome...so was my post worth it. And the good side is ..after all it saves some people the money they may have spent on it :)

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