Gandhi - My father

Its a beautiful narration and a compelling theme, to make one watch the movie. Our cinema has really come a long way from the dancing around the tree times and is such a delight that it did ! Our Father of the Nation had a family life so very real, that his pain was almost visible. None of his sons did actually understand him or think at par to his values. Each seed was an own flower, each son its own character. The movie depicted the thread, which binds this relationship in such a manner, whereby it brought a tear all by itself. Harilal, the eldest son of Gandhi could not understand life, as simply as his father did. He felt prey, to the wrong habits/values and all the time kept blaming his father for his state. He could never come to terms with the fact that his life was his responsibility and so were his decisions. It is easy to fall into negative patterns of complaining and feeling like a victim of society and your life. And thats precisly what he went through. If you may have read the book "My experiments with truth", you can relate to the backdrop of happenings all by yourself. Gandhi like any other father provided him support all throughout, asked him to come back to him, to start afresh. His eyes talked how much he wanted his son to support him, while age was defying him but life had a different destiny for Harilal and his other sons for that matter. For the very first time Akshaye Khanna did act and act really well to emote these emotions with such ease and simplicity. Shefali was so fluid in her character of "Ba" and so was Gandhi himself. The whole threesome really looked like a family together.