My days with myself

There was a lot in my head yesterday ..lot I wanted to put down and all diverse thoughts. I was contemplating on the fact what I like to do most and I could think of nothing better than dancing...I simply love it and than I was wondering do we tend to like only those things what we are good at or what are taught nicely or where one gets a lot of appreciation. May be yes ..even if I sketch and no one passes me a pat I may not be able to claim or say I like it as profundly as I say about any other hobby. I may just pronounce that as a hobby. Likewise reading ..I love reading and more so sharing them in short forms (I hear sometimes comments that I tell stories in a nicer way specially when i am relaxed and in a mood to talk). BTW I just finished on two books. First one being "One night at a call centre" which is so well narrated book in the begining that characters come to life and when its to be climaxed the book lost its touch completly. I wondered whatever happened to the author to twist the tale to spoil the book completly. The climax happens with GOD calling up the six call centre folks who are trapped and almost destined to die..and God asks them one last thing they wish to do before they die and if they answer honestly they shall be saved !!! Poing poing ..couldnt digest it one bit ...Chetan Bhagat whatever happened ..did you try to re-read what you had written or U were writing it like a blog I do :))
And the other one is a Sidney Sheldon book ..his autobiography ..his life as a child with his family ..his struggle in growing up days ...his youth while trying to establish his career and his failures finally leading to his success. I think he wrote it to pass on a lot of positivity to the readers that inspite of world falling apart ..failing him time and again he made his mark finally in a big way. I loved watching his "I dream of Genie" series he wrote for Television and many of his books are so dramatic page turners. I wish there would be more he writes after his autobiography.


Vandana Bhatia said…
Match ..hello i am working during the times the cricketers work on their cricket matches. No way i can catch on that ..and plus i am an early riser which infact translates to being early sleeper :))
Arpita said…
Hi vandana , One nite at call centre is wriiten by chetan bhagat and not vikram seth I liked the GOd calling chapter. The transformation there wat happens is predictable and understable I think it was a honest try. You read the first page where he asks the reader to write wat they fear most and two other things its actually answer to that.
Vandana Bhatia said…
Arpita, Know i misquoted was chetan bhagat. But honestly I couldnt relate to it at all ..i read the narration in the first page ..that too is a made up story ..I wondered if u actually believed it. The girl would hv written the book herself otherwise :)) Whilst in the end author proposed other alternatives like Major Uncle doing the talk which God did ..but still that leaves in the lurch that the author lost it somewhere in the end on how to close on it.!!
Arpita said…
Agreed on that but since all he was trying to make was a real story coz to be very true V indian pay more attention to real stuff than fictional and wich is the samereason why v have so many news channel just blurring rubbish. Pramod Mahajan's family wouldnt be sad for his death but the coverage and irritation he has got .coming back therefor he can be givenbenifit of doubt wat say?
Vandana Bhatia said…
Thats the reason the news channel get such bitter remarks (they are more gossip channels than news channel) for they are all keen on stories ..or rather just venering to make their "Being first" mark to audience's mind. But somewhere down the line "I Think" the audienece is maturing in a small ways and they understand the difference clearly well. Thats what I added in my review too...I loved the book initially and the characters actually came to life with the brush he painted so well. And with the same brush when he was to draw the final strokes he, may be in a haste (- maybe) or lack of direction he lost focus and actually reading the last few pages is like watching a Tele series where everything to anything in the world is possible - A dead one comes to life , God talks in real life etc etc stange facts, which are hard to believe and digest. And with all this write-up on explanation ..I still and firm on my review as much as you are with urs :)

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