My Favourites...

Favourite movies...hmm...there are lot of movies I am fond of..The sound of music, Life is beautiful, Dance with me, Home alone, Finding nemo.
These are all the types which touches one straight in the heart and can be watched any number of times , with same enthusiasm.
Angoor, Gol Maal, All of Karan Johar's productions - he does it with so much of his heart into them that they are lovable watches all the time.
I love fictions the Robin cook movies picturized like Coma are amazing stuff to watch for, matrix versions a diffuclt to comprehend it all stuff ..but a spectacular imagination.
Then also there is a whole lot of bunch which can be watched and enjoyed in hindi category, a lighter set of movies which yet make one feel happy about watching them..they take you on the upheaval of joy ride and make u cry tears with them too. Amitabh Bacchan did that with Black, the laugh riots like Munna bhai MBBS, the sadness of Devdas, the charisma of Shakrukh ..they are the beautiful creativities cinema has provided for entertainment.


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