My Blog.!

Its the first time I actually am writing for a blog own personal blog. And it seems like a lot of things ,I would like to write but am at loss of organization of these thoughts for here. I love to write, and when I read back my writings I myself wonder how much can a human mind assimilate and than forget over a period of time. I myself ponder did I write it ! Not that the writings are great, but I get impressed and also they challange me to be even better playing with words in the times to come :)
I am an extreme introvert, however here I would rather write what I like to read myself. Maybe someday I would cherish this blog for the memories I may have accumulated here.
My postings may cover thoughts, jokes, stories, preachings, book reviews, movie reviews, net posts (the ones I find interesting to capture) and I would like this list to grow. I hope this broadens my perceptions to a wider arena..lets see how that goes.
All I know for now is, I started blogging.!


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