My Prayers

Many times we stand in pious places and get lost with what all should we say as a prayer to offer to God. In my purview, its not an interesting conversation that we put our wishlist or pain points standing, in such a peaceful and enjoyable and place full of energy, as it sounds like we remember the originator with always "I want" and "I wish" tag in the talks. This talk should be happy, exuberating, full of love, naughtiness. For God is with us all the time, he knows what we are going through. What we have in store for life, he is within us suffering with us, enjoying with us moment to moment. Life is full of joy and sorrows and they do co-exist as complementary values for each one of us.

As I remember Him now, while writing this post - my prayer to God takes the following words ;)

God, I am emptying all my thoughts in your presence. I am emptying myself of all the burdens and am moving on from now completely empty. May I stay near your feet always and become a beautiful flower. I belong to you !


Suti said…
Very true ....prayers should be private conversations between me and God but dont you think our wishing and wanting has more to do with the parent-child relationship we share with God.
Vandana Bhatia said…
We wish and we want - if your kid just has this conversation with you, where is love and joy. Praying is a lot more of a feeling to the wants in life. You want something you aspire or dream about - how many times do u get it and thereon you blame God. It was your wish and you wanted it to be God's command :)
It is as simple as if the kid is asking for a pen he saw with his friend and you cant seem to find the same thing for him- you pick him another one - yet you will disappoint him and shake his faith. So let the parent pick the best he can for his child and we put all our botherations to him to take care of. Someone wise said once - whatever happens with God's will is the best thing to have happened to you.
Suti said…
I beg to differ a bit here. Wishing and wanting shows you consider the person your own so there is definitely a lot of joy and love in the wishing and wanting. We dont wish and want from strangers. Of course agree with you there, we can blame God for not getting something. I never stop asking but if I dont get, I always assume God has something better in store. That keeps me happy.
Vandana Bhatia said…
Each person has God within him and what you aspire, with your actions molded in the same direction, the power inside helps you. That itself shows how deep the bond is with God.
Who is stranger here - if you dont get it - its not his let it be ..why fret over it still hanging in the system and kee asking him abt it.
Upnishads talk about desire as follows :
You are what your deep driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny
Suti said…
This argument is going like asymptotic curves. I also said that fretting over is not the thing to do. So what are we arguing about? I also feel that my relation with God is a very personal one and the process I want to interact with God is a personal one too so. Each person has his or her own way and we should not try to say what is wrong or what is right. Its just me and my God and we have our own private norms for that relationship and whether it is the right way or wrong is not the right of any individual to judge.

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