Time flies ...

I took a leap in time and thought would explore new avenues around. More so this oppurtunity just fell in place on its own and I played on so acceptance was more of following the signs :)
(I may be talking Paulo Coelho here but thats the influence a reader bounds to get into :) - if you are reading this Paulo you would be impressed cos you make such an impact)
It was a huge decision since I was very closely bonded with my team and they framed a good weigh in my decision factors.More so 10 years of association sort of gets in the system. I remember when I was writing my resignation email, my heart was punding on so fast and I could just not send the email ..I was precipitating. I took help from Seema and Suti for support ..spoke to them both for few minutes, to calm me down and there it was. And I know once I make a decision, I stick to it, so that commitment did follow. The parting was a lot difficult though, as I didnt know how to bring it forward with the team, I was working so closely with and few of them were so 'Touchie' that there were tears ..some had fears and I somehow gained strength, to pass on the strength to them. The last day even I was teary, as this place was a part of my identity for such a long time and I was parting with it. It was smooth clearances, as I knew so many folks and they didnt let me move from my desk ..they worked on the credibility of so long years. My farewell collided with Ritu's birthday and Vishal and Ritu were contending, who gets to take the farewell lunch part..ofcourse we all went. I love their gifts they wanted to hand over something so I would rememberthem for long, so I got a really nice pickle set for the dining table and a spectacle holder (though I dont waer one but Ashutos was so inistent that he said it was from him and I could place my anti-glares or sun glasses on that) - ofcourse guys I would remember you inspite of all these thoughts. Arti was really kind and thoughtful (ofcourse a big learning factor for the last one year of association with her) we went out a few das back. Below are the email reminisances of few of my favourite people and our conversations so they stay on with me in my memories.

Dear friends,

Today happens to be my last day with this organization.
Its been 10 years in this organization and this happens to be my most difficult decision for me, only because of you all.
I am thankful to each one of you, for helping me in making this stay memorable and splendid.
I had severe nostalgia leaving here and I know many of you shared the same feeling with me personally, I am really thankful to you for having shared that attachment and I take proud in this association with you all, specially the IMS team.

Working for such a long time, I consider myself fortunate to have worked on new assignments, challenges, and learning along with the advantage of working with competent, committed and supportive colleagues like you.
I can honestly say that, I learnt something enduring from each activity and I shall cherish your support.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this company and sincerely wish you all the best as you continue, to stride towards greater heights.
I look forward to keeping in touch, to learn of your achievements and to celebrate your success.

Warm Regards,

Sunil Sud>>

Dear Vandana,

This is really sad. Personally and professionally, you will be missed by lots of folks.

Nevertheless, wish you the very best in your future endeavours, all success and cheer in every thing that youi plan to do.

Best wishes


Dear Sunil,

I am really proud to be associated and having worked with you.
You have been a source of inspiration even in the smallest interactions we may have had.

Thanks for all your kind words ! It has been a pleasure knowing you...maybe we will run into each other again.

Best Regards,

Pranav Singh >

Dear Vandana,
It has been a pleasure knowing you and working with you. Here is wishing you all the very best for your future endeavors.
Do keep in touch.
Best Wishes,

Ajay Goel >

Hi Vandana,

All the best to you and keep on scaling greater heights ...
I have heard great things about you as a manager .. Keep it up !!
It was indeed nice knowing and working with you.

Ajay Goel

Ankit Mittal>

Hi Vandana,

Time surely does fly by....and these moments just reminds one of all that you can't leave behind....and neither can you take it along with you.
All the best for your future endeavors!


Thanks for the assurance ..its really touchy day for me and i am trying to get over this feeling so hard.


Anuj Malik >>


Although it is a good bye mail but the first reaction was "WOW" :-)

Where r u going ? In Delhi ?

Be in touch ...

Prashant Vashist>
All the best for your new endeavour.

Save the nostalgia…. It isn’t that bad out there J

When r u joining office again?

- P

Munish Chaabra>>

madam....perfect timing...31st march....only one form 16 ;-)
anyways wish u all the best...and keep in touch....

Thanks and Regards,

Munish Chhabra

Ravi Mittal >

Hi Vandana,

Wishing you good luck in career ahead.

Please keep in touch.

Ravi Mittal

Arvind Bhabhra>>
Monday morning, this news ... I'm worried about rest of the week now ..!!

well, Associations should not be stopping us from growing, I hope your decision makes you feel good soon !!
I cherish all the moments which I enjoyed with you working..!

with best wishes

Thanks Arvind for your kind words. It was a pleasure knowing you as well. Keep in touch.

Best Regards

Ritu Arora>

Hi Vandana,
Reading this mail is equally difficult. It's sad that our working association is ending and was of only 1 year span. I have really learnt lot of management skills from you. You have taught how to be tough as well as polite and get the things moving.

Wish you all the best for future endeavors.

Best Regards
Ritu Arora

Kabir Singh >

Dear Vandana,

Wish you the very best in your career ahead

Best regards

Rajat Ahluwalia>

Hi Vandana,

All the best for your future. I hope your career move is in line with your MBA.


Vivek Pachaury>

all the very best for your future venture

best wishes
- vivek pachaury

Sunil Bansal>>
Hi Vandana,

I am glad that I got a chance to work with you, one of the best managers in our organization.

Wish you all the very best and keep in touch.


Sunil Kumar

Manu Srivastava >

Et tu?


All the best!

Manu Srivastava

Vimal Garg >

Hello vandana,

It was really my pleasure to work with you and be your colleague. Let's keep in touch

Take cr! Best of luck for your future endevours.


Chanchal Hassija >>

May GOD bless you with SUCCESS and SMILES

Chanchal Hassija

Ashish Nagpal>>
All the best :)

Aadesh Goel>>

Dear Vandana,

How are you. Just tried to reach on you on your phone. This is a surprise. What made you look out and where are you heading?

With best wishes for great times ahead,


and there were so many best wishes..I will treasure your wishes and attachment. Like my last conversation with Ajay Goel (one of my all time favourite managers) over this parting , there is nothing better than leaving with such pleasant memories and I shall cherish the good byes with me, till we bump in again.
Thank you team for making the day filled with roses and wishes.


Anonymous said…
ur new boss should see this :-)
Go On spreading happiness..

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