Jazz Pirouette - my learning

Jazz has never been an easy dance and it takes a lot of time to attain a win, a clarity, a flexibility and it takes one a long way, to help in a day to day life. My personal experience shows that my stamina, flexibility has increased manifolds. I have an attitude in my everyday dealings. Infact I used to tell my team, I was named as one of the best trainer in the company for my training skills, was all because of the trainer in my dance school. They keep talking a lot of things and finally it gets into the system somehow and you never even come to know how it changed your outlook in everything. It brings so much of positivity in the personality because of the relm of emotions we go through in the choreography. And I think a pinch of yoga and wise sayings help. Like I remember the saying by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at a recent event (which Aadesh Goel mentioned he was one of the organizer for the show), "Never let the enjoyment in life go any less, come what may".

Even yesterday when I was in my class, the teacher was asking me to showcase a step and the way i did it added on a lot of the old teachings without my realizing it and my teacher was happy that, it was all going in my own self analysis.
Nevertheless I always thought I shall write one day my way to discover "How to do a clean Pirouette".
A pirouette is at least one full turn on one foot with the other foot in a raised position, place passe pointed to the straight foot ankle.
To begin with it, you need to have a straight stomach and spine,i.e. stand upright and maybe a little like someone has punched you in stomach. You have to keep the hips together. Now as you are standing upright gently take the left foot sideways and keep it pointed, and give arms an open shape, still filled with energy as if you opened them a little while holding a beach ball. The next step is to take the side leg back and go in a plie (bend both the knees) position and curve the opposite hand back in front of the stomach as if the beach ball is getting held firmly by one hand , keep the other hand in the same position as before..keep the balance on both the foot and ur stomach still erect. You should be able to bounce up and down nicely in this position.
The third and the final step to start, bring the back leg with feet pointed in passe position and let it rest to the side knee of the other foot and as this takes this placement, the lift from the floor should be taking a push from the floor. Go relve(stand on the toe) on that instand with the foot on the floor and take a swirl and keep the second hand close to hold the beach ball with both arms now in front of the stomach and move with the centre, the base point is to keep the focus on a point and keep the concentration to that point once you spot it back.
Never let the alertness in the stomach go as the turn would go heywire. Think about going up with the other leg all the time, that helps to fight gravity and give all this time. All these instructions make it easy but getting it together in your body takes time..so give this time to yourself and finally move on to higher goals like 2 or 3 pirouettes in a row.
I took a long time bringing all of these aspects together and as my instructor said once its in your muscle memory its like a piece of cake.

Check the steps in the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGuvXwJW8QQ


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