Mind Games

There are certain times when mind goes blank ..it seeks direction for it own self. It needs to be directed towards joy.. Being a Piscean, I have always lived in my own world..its like my own space, where I put across my ideas and I believe everyone thinks the same way and should behave the way I expect. I know the real world is so different and this world of mine is almost like a book, which tells a story and later realizes it was just a story, which wasn't real and its over. Well that's how dreams are too. But somehow all the Piscean's stay in this influence may be because of influence of Neptune. I wonder does Neptune also contribute, when one dreams at night or even during the day if when one puts across a vision for something. If yes, than why don't we attribute this to all the other sun signs? I know I am crossing my own thoughts here..but i am still delving on this thin line what we call as faith. If you have faith in astrology that's when it works ..but his faith has to be really really strong. I sometimes went into the loops of believing and non-beliving parallelly, not that i don't have faith but at the same time i have faith as well. But more so I believe what your heart tells you is the way of God and no star can alter the directions which God provides. Hence the best faith can be put across by the guidance of your heart for God wishes the same. I had a good long break from work ..yeah it was Dusshera here and my favorite Aunt expired in these days. I know she was loved a lot and the good aspect to think on this is she died in peace for she was suffering with too many diseases which wouldn't have let the recovery possible at the stage she reached. My favorite cousin shared a beautiful thought on that which is from osho ...and it seems it reflects his sentiments completely
"Life is spread over seventy, eighty years; death happens in a single moment.
It is so condensed that if you have lived your life rightly, you will be able to enter into the mystery of death.
And the mystery of death is that it is only a cover: inside is your immortality, your eternal life. "
We have one life to live and this is so much of learning for us and to recall this leanings in this small head of ours. I wish God provides for happiness and joy in his directions to make this place a better place to live in.