Am I Your FRIEND ?

One of my best friend shared it with me this morning and i liked an interesting conversation which followed and I wanted it at my blog too, so here it is :)

I AM not your friend if.....
you have to think before you speak to me!

I am not your friend if.....
my presence ever makes you feel uncomfortable!

I am not your friend if.....
you have to thank me for everything i do for you!

I am not your friend if.....
you have to say sorry for everything that you don't do!

I am not your friend if.....
you have to ask me for favors!

I am not your friend if.....
you think i would not be curious to know your new philosophy of life!

I am not your friend if.....
you go by what i say and do not understand what i don't say!

I am not your friend if.....
you think that listening to your dreams would put me to sleep!

I am not your friend if.....
you think that seeing you in pain, would not bring a tear to me!

I am not your friend if.....
you think I do not remember the first time we met!

I am not your friend if.....
you don't see the thousand ways I try to make you happy!

I am not your friend if.....
you don't realize how your smile brightens up my day!

I am not your friend if.....
you would rather keep quiet when you really wanna talk

I am not your friend if.....
you hesitate to ask me to stay back when you think we should be together!

I am not your friend if.....
you take too much time to tell me what I mean to you!

Am I Your FRIEND ?


Anonymous said…
yes yes u definitely are :-)
Now when was the first time we met ;-) ?
Vandana Bhatia said…
hughes the orientation program remember
Anonymous said…
well i saw u earlier - in the written test, u were chatting with a few folks very animatedly b4 the test - i was wondering doesnt this female get goosebumps before the test - she is seeming so confident :-)
Vandana Bhatia said…
really i dont remember that ..we were three of us for the written test ..all from the same campus and same company freaked out just the usual way we would those days :)
and we were so much in ourselves that i didnt notice around at all
Anonymous said…
maybe the others were there for the test - but i dont remember them. I just remembered this nice looking gorgeous female. But we actually got introduced (as u rightly pointed out) during the orientation programme.. though dont remember correctly but i think golu was ur oasis partner (i mean Ankur)
Vandana Bhatia said…
yups ..he was my oasis team mate ...and I was the only one among three of us to get through thoh they all were good may be destiny bolted me here :)
btw thanks for the compliment :)
Anonymous said…
u dont thank friends - u said so.... :-)

yeah destiny is a big big thing ......
Vandana Bhatia said…
alright ..i will eat the complete with straight face ..honestly cant do that either :)
Anonymous said…
well well.... but i meant it ... i did remember seeing u that day and when u were back in oasis, i could identify u
Anonymous said…
Am I Your FRIEND ?
Vandana Bhatia said…
Yeah sweets ..surely i dont have any hiccaps sharing my mind out ...u ?
Anonymous said…
Neither me. J Only thing is, its becoming increasingly difficult to read my own mind…the _original_ mind, that is not afflicted by public opinion.

Sometimes I envy the innocence of children, how easily they say what they feel. This weekend, I saw the Boogie-Woogie episode where the kid was asked which teacher he hated, and he says, “Mrs XYZ”. He’s asked, isn’t he afraid his teacher will scold him, and he says very confidently, “No, she’s South Indian, she will not watch hindi programs, so I’m not afraid”. The entire audience and hosts Javed/Naved, including his mom, were in splits. :-D
Vandana Bhatia said…
u know when u said that i was reading this article
which fitted well to ur initial comment there.
I saw this one too caused a smile on my face too ..sometimes i wonder if calling a spade a spade can be offensive like if someone tells me on my face that they dont like me ..will i like them back we tend to polish and hide things ..and this kid was a smart one learnt it all a little too early
Anonymous said…
Am I your friend Vandana?
Vandana Bhatia said…
What do you think ?

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