Whats in my head today ?

Attimes when i think that what if there was a device which when connected to head could write all the thoughts down.I always dreamt of such thing eversince i was a child :)..but inventions do take time and i dont see this device too far away in future now.
There is so much happening around us, which we see listen and move on.
Its like they say public memory is short ..they react a little and than forget all about it,as if it never happened. There are so many learnings to assimilate to make one wiser.
The happenings are good and bad and they both leave an impact. Some cheer u up and some sadden but nevertheless become a part of memories to relish.And when i think abt them its a much needed desire to pen them down ..attimes i am not even near to my comp or a simple paper and pen so i assimilate them and slowly i see them
washed away. I hate them getting drained like that ..for they were my learning base !
Even when i get time at work, I dont have time at all ..since there is so much to catch on...so much to read and learn still. I love the part of living through each moment as if it was my last, atleast i learnt a lot and was happy with myself.
Eversince I started my dance classes again it gave me a lot of grace all over again ..I was missing my dance lessons for my exams, travel etc. And coming back to it this time was so pleasing.
The instructor was amazing and I loved it when on sign off for the first lesson he told me "You havent lost the touch at all !" I want to start singing too...testing the vocal chords a little. Lets see how soon i pitch on it. And yet again i cry there aint any time left for me to do a lot more things i want to do !


Arpita said…
cool one even I think the same my mind is like 24 hr service all profound thoughts come at wrong time and I wonder Such a decvice did exsist. nice blog do catch up on mine though I havent read yours fully. http://wishes2006.blogspot.com
Vandana Bhatia said…
v> hehe ...this wud be a plug n play device so can be switched on/off when needed ..its talking abt feature enhancement to the device

ddlj420> think of all the disastrous consequences when you forget to switch it off at the wrong times -
1. Meeting with your boss
2. Mentally appreciating some female in front of your wife
3. Explaining to your team why you need to go home early
4. and on and on

V> as if this wud be accessible for all to read ..well there wud be security provisions too ..where u can proof the same before releasing to public :0

ddlj420> hmm - why dont you write a proposal

v> wish i was the genius to invent this..atleast the idea was mine for another genius to implement the rest :))
Vandana Bhatia said…
seems like we all love a device like this to turn up in future soon ..and implementation ofcourse the softies could shape too well :)

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