Fanaa for you
Fanaa ..isnt it a beautiful title for this tale ..I loved the movie (though the script could have been a lot better but dont all the movies may it be hollywood flick come with some flaws). Aamir was absolutely fantastic in the role he was portraying infact the feel of the role was immense the inner conflict of a person who is showcasing to the world a camouflaged image. He played it well to the mark ! Kajol had nothing much to do in the movie but to look good, which she did..the script didnt have too much of potential for her to show while she played the blind.It was nowhere near what Rani did to a blind character in Black..and later too except the killing part she was just her usual self. The kid was adorable very natural and very lovable. I was talking to nama who said she wished Rehan shouldnt be killed in the end, and to this I quoted what aamir said in an interview ...the character was ruthless he took lives without thinking twice and in the end this was the best fate could have d...