Women's day

I remember I have been writing my thoughts on this day for the past many years. Its been for British Council, a women's magazine and this time I thought why not on my blog. I think there are numerous women who have contributed to the strength women showcase today. The first women who could make it to school, the first one who could make it to college and than adding work in the life as a significant milestone to the women of today. It must have been so difficult to cut the boundaries of the conserves the society was surmounted with in the last century. The willpower and courage from these individuals in some corner of the world made an exemplary that living with all such boundaries vanished comes at no surprise today. Its because of these individuals that these issues are no longer an issue at least in urban sections today. Women make their own choices and decisions and are able to follow their dreams. Its not an easy ride, but women who today is educated knows how she can make a mark in the coming times and she is trying her level best to carve this niche. The older mindsets do exist still in rural areas but awareness is spreading there too via numerous media channels around us. 

I was reading a book call "A Thousand Splendid Suns : Khaled Hossenini" and he has been so close to such traumas inflicted even in today's times. The rules imposed in the Afghan territories were next to hell and almost unimaginable in today's times but in the end when the sparkles blew finally, the sunshine spread all around. It’s a difficult story to narrate - I was so impressed with the Author and often wondered if this was a real story somewhere. But it surely is an exemplary of how far we have reached, if that be the past.

Even the corporate surveys reveal wherever there are more women on board there is less corruption and power play. Women have the unique capability to balance emotional and moral values in profession. May God bless the world to have the women empowerment in such regions, where there is a need most.
To all the women who make me proud, Wish you a very Happy womens day !


Seema Garg said…
Joining the celeberations... for it goes on every day not just March 8 !!
Seema Garg said…
Joining the celeberations... for it goes on every day not just March 8 !!

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