An ode to the teachers
“He who considers too much will perform little”
“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts”
- Winston Churchill
“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts”
- Winston Churchill

Its so important to have teachers in life, not only during school but for life. Teachers are the ones who keep refining a person to his/her potential, which a person himself/herself may not know. And for that we need to keep the activities in us alive. I feel blessed to be associated with teachers even today, who are refining me in todays time, and they are there to bring the best in me. I feel blessed to be knowing them for all my teachers are wonderful human beings.. spirited, inspiring and full of learnability and full of encouragement. Its difficult being a teacher and even more difficult being an inspiring teacher as the pupil always look for grey areas, where they can find the teacher faltering, so the teacher also needs to reinvent himself/herself in joy, energy, spirits and knowledge. It’s the energy from the teachers which sparkles on the pupil to make the mysteries unravel.
We always believe that we are perfect human beings in the moment, but yet there is a lot of perfection yet to be achieved. If I am good today I shall aspire for being even better tomorrow but If I don’t know what ways can I be better the path can be very difficult to walk. I know I have grown from even yesterday and I would be much better than my current self, when tomorrow comes. The trust and confidence of the teachers emanates and refine personality every time.
I take responsibility of my decisions and grow from them, the decisions are from my instincts which guide me, what my mind comprehends for me and I honor my combined decisions. And my teachers have been holding a light for my growth in this direction, in my capability and my responsibilities.
May you all continue to hold the light in my path always !
Jai Gurudeva.