No nothingness

I know, I have been craving to be writing for since long and could not make time out. I think I should stop calling this as busy time , for I wanted to write as strongly, I know I could have made time out easily. But I took this time to read what others wrote. To a lot extent I felt inspired and this time I wanted to write as much touche as I could. I don’t think fancy stuff makes an ideal post, but one written with feeling, with complete oneself does. This time I felt quite similar with my dance class, when I was dancing, I didn’t know if there were others in the room, I was just me and enjoying myself and when I finished the teacher said it was most spectacular of me she had seen. And I didn’t do anything unusual here but was just enjoying the feeling one hundred percent and the attitude and choreography joined automatically. I know it’s a very difficult stage to achieve, I took years to feel so happy that the world around didn’t matter, for a few moments. Yeah I know my friend, who would read this post will call the AOL effect - I have no qualms in admitting it is AOL effect too. Its important for each one of us to start the spiritual journey, when we have a questioning mind that we seek that dimension and its bliss. One should start on this journey as soon as we have the questions on existence bothering the mind. I started long ago exploring various angles with Osho's techniques and preaches and than was brahmakumaris and finally AOL. Somehow I could never get close to the preaches from Brahmakumaris - may be the teacher didn’t touch my heart as much. Of course teachers have a huge impact on how an aspect is put forth. Similar lessons when taught by different teachers make a different implication and no one is to be blamed for not touching the heart cos they must have been on their exploration journeys themselves.
In my quest, I learnt a little to channelize my energies and I am more creative and more at ease with myself. I enjoy the place I am, more like I try to feel and share the delight so that it’s a good time for all and its for the my own selfish interests as I feel good about it all the time.
Mind is an incredibly powerful thing .one moment one thought can change the vicinity in a different direction.
I wish there was a device which would interpret the thoughts in the mind when the mind is working on sorting out the thoughtline - I have lost a lot of brilliant thoughts to time like that - havent gotton a chance to pen them down.
There was something beautiful I discovered yesterday, while reading my bed-time book. It said what is the last thought in the mind before the bed is also the thought when we wake up in the morning and most of us keep on not noticing it. And when I noticed it with my awareness what was the thought with which I was sleeping on, the same stayed with me in the early morning as well. The energy zones may be work like that - the similar cycle is for life and death as death is a synonymn of sleep. Why am I talking death here - well honestly I used to fear death a lot - cant say I am fearless now, but a lot controlled version. I am more in my zone now - more to handle life moment to moment.
This was my take on no nothingness, from nowhere to all I had to share for this post:)


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