In quest for love

Nightingale sings summer mid day
Seeking caress from air's warmth
Searching for love in clear sky
fragrance leads to hope
the search continues
This is an attempt to give words to a picture and I would like to cajole more of these mysteries to read my interpretations of what a picture is trying to say.


Anonymous said…
Hope - eternal hope .... Albert Schweitzer had said "A man without a mission is a dead man" - its hope that keeps us alive...
Anonymous said…
Beautiful and poignant
Vandana Bhatia said…
Like I commented - its more like giving words to what a picture is saying. See the search in the eyes of the bird :)
I am on my next post already, which as to looks an interesting subject. Lemme see how soon can i complete it.
Mini Sarin said…
Have always liked your blog and have been a regular reader. Created my own blog few months ago, do check out:
Vandana Bhatia said…
@ MS -> Thanks for your endearing comment. I shall look into your page soon :)

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