More on profoundness
Zoom up on your energy Each person carries with him/her a persona, which is very unique to the person. And this persona is nothing but your energy zone which gets impacted also by the people, you are with. Did you realize somedays, we are too low on energy and other days are normal or high energy? I recently read an article on the same and it described that everytime you are with people (which is all the time :-D), they start to draw from your energy or you start drawing on theirs, depending on where the source is high (Source fills to the sink ..the physics principle). It examplified the same with the scenarion that, if you are sitting with a person, who is continuosly yamning (he/she is low in energy at that moment) and shall start sapping on your energy, till the time you split from that meeting your own energy levels would have gone down from before. Its a very interesting phenomenon to understand reiki and meditations are all based on the same principle. We are all sources of ene...
मोती सी शबनम
रोशन रात
Look up, you awe-struck people, and see not the scars left behind by the ravishing sunlight. Admire it from far, for you cannot fathom the pain of being the glorious moon..musing ravishly, mesmerizing eyes.
[Its prose, but the spirit is poetry-based]
Anyways when Sukanto compares the moon to the daily bread while you wax eloquent, neither of you can be blamed. Both of you are following Maslow's laws of hierarchy needs.
DDLJ -> I know your maslow is creating a misery for you..keep scoring.
Seema -> I liked your poetic/rhythmic sense to take a new direction :)