Smiley moment's

I have been too tied up to make out time for my blog.Today morning when I had a strong urge to write, I was struggling with a topic to pen down my thoughts. And what interested me this time is a reminisce of the funniest or rather the strange-funny moments we may have had in life. I am penning down the ones I recall as of now, you let me know when you read this, what was yours.
> I recently came to know from my best friend, that when he first met me they all came to know from a story originator, that my parents and grand parents were swiss and I kept visiting Switzerland in my vacations to meet them. They belived this story for almost like a year and a few of them in that bunch may be still believe in that story. I was absolutely zapped and he did share it with me now after so many years and the set of folks who stayed with this story - I cant even think how they made it up. I was really amused and could not suppress a smile on reading this.
> The second such incident which I recall, is again from another friend I met up in the rest room, when I had come to give my interview in this company. I had completed my written exam and someone I didn't know at all was exceptionally nice to me. She asked me how did the exam go and if I was comfortable there. I was so comfortable with the way the questions came in and it sounded very encouraging that people around me here are so very caring and rather nice. Of course I made through and I am still around here. Its only later I knew we had studied in the same college once and that's how she came with all that comfort zone. She is my best friend today but when I recall this moment it always brings a smile back to me, that I was so much of a fool to not to observe such a simple thing.
> The more I recall on this lines, such moments now are more from my dance routies. I had a strange inhibitions for a controlled dance ..not dancing from within. I still am not out of my grove as yet completly, but when I do I know that I enjoy it the most. In one such times, my instructor once pointed out to me saying she didnt know what I did but she couldnt take her eyes off me and when she said that it was an awesome comment to remember. I blushed on her comment.
> I was playing on 'these are a few of my favourite things' game with my favourite cousin and the day we kept throwing challenges at each other.

If I read back the post it brings a smile.I think the moments are too simple, but the simplest things in life bring joy.


Anonymous said…
My funniest moment is my most embarrassing moment too. In the company I work, we have this culture of writing something about yourself when you join in a way to break the ice so you write about your interests, your marital status, your interesting things. When I had joined, my manager had not yet relocated from abroad and my director asked me to write something about myself and send it to him (he did not elaborate what it was for).
I thought it was for the HR records so I painstakingly cutpasted from my resume and made a good synopsis of where I passed out of with what percentage, how months I worked on each project and what was my career graph in my last company. My director simply forwarded it to the rest of the company .... imagine my embarrassment days after that - everyone used to give me a wierdo look and I felt I could sink deep into the earth

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