Relax - it rejuvenates

Close your eyes ! See yourself sitting on a beach ..a beautiful beach. The waves are hitting the shore with a splash.
Its a beautiful beach on the backdrop of a lush green garden, with lovely trees and flowers around.
See yourself sitting on the beach with God, completly relaxed and at peace.
You are conversing with him on all the things, you always wanted to.
God holds your hand, as a best friend does and is answering you, with love.
You have an aura of energy around you and its reflected from your eyes, to bring piety to the surroundings.
The waves from the occean take that energy and become pious. The air takes that piety from you and becomes soothey and cool.
The sky reflects beautiful colours and form, on taking that energy from you. Earth beneath your feet sparkles with joy on receiving this energy.
The sun setting in the occean takes that energy and passes its radiance back to you.
The elements have all taken the core peace and are absorbed in your aura and delight.
You sit calmly and absorb this surrounding completely. There is a lovely music flowing in the air take that music in you and inflate with joy.
You want this moment, to never stop and the music continues to play forever, while you drink the beauty of the moment.
Slowly you return to your own self and be a part of this world again.

The say "The best conversations in life are when you say nothing and yet feel completly talked into!"


Seema Garg said…
this takes me back .. around 9.5 yrs back.. I was in 5:30 bus waiting for the bus to start and you came handed out a similar kind of relaxing method to me.. Thanks for your caring ways!
Vandana Bhatia said…
thanks for the sweet message ..but once u have read this actually try it on takes u away in a diff dimension.I wrote this today ..and it worked for me ..was too angry over small things this morning and than wanted to take out my stress sat back and wrote a meditation..and here it goes
Kanchan said…
This is really very very beautiful piece. Amazing way to relax and it does work wonders.
Vandana Bhatia said…
It is an delight to hear the writings working to the level where u found it. Thank you! May love be ur guiding force in life.
Anonymous said…
True - it is relaxing this way - I have got some fantastic music pieces which heighten these kinds of feelings - one is called Amazon Forest - all you hear are birds tweeting at times and the leaves rustling in the wind and then rain pittering away softly... and the other piece is called Pacific Waves where you hear only ocean waves and almost nothing else. Both these pieces are around 1 each - listening to these with a still body and closed eyes gives me a lot of peace ...
Anonymous said…
Talking about rejuvenation, read:
Vandana Bhatia said…
I have the series too what you are talking. Its an amazing collection by the name called Elements..very soothing and relaxing at times. But honestly putting it, its you all's comments which are my charge elements too :))..i was hyperactive and afresh after even after a pushed out day yesterday:)

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