Happy Valentines. !

A moment can make you feel stronger, a moment can make you go immensely weak. Its a strange rule of the game, when you thought happiness is there with you to stay, it suddenly hits back with a line of sorrow somewhere deep in the heart.On the other side of it, it may be sorrow and lonesomeness around you and when you think things cant be any better a streak of happiness enhances that shine in the heart. Isn't that an irony of life which keeps you juggling between these strange emotions and creates a so called change in this life. It just comes to suddenly as a ray of change and changes what you thought was your comfort zone. Moments really are powerful aspects of our lives and sometimes we just live them giving them no importance and than they raise their pedestal to gain the importance and to be a part of the memories, which changed your life. I don't know why this random thought crept in my mind. I don't even know why I wrote this all..Its just when I sit down the words and thoughts keep pouring and if I like them as a narrative, they become my posts. There haven't been any posts from me in my blog, had been incredibly busy and the ones close to me know it already :)
I wrote this post to wish you all a very happy valentines, wish this day gives you enugh moments, which makes your memories bright and shiny among all your loved ones.


Anonymous said…
Being in a comfort zone has a lot of inertia attached..
I am not sure whether its good or not to try to come out of the comfort zone.. but it for sure takes hell lot of effort !!
happy v day to you too !!
Anonymous said…
ek pal ka jiina phir to hai jaana
tohfa kya leke jaaye dil yeh bataa na
ek pal ka jiina phir to hai jaana
tohfa kya leke jaaye dil yeh bataa na
khaalii haath aaye the ham khaalii haath jaayenge
bas pyaar ke do miithe bol jhilmilaayenge
to hans kyonki duniya ko hai hansaana
ae mere dil tuu gaaye jaa...
Anonymous said…
its good to make people laugh.. but attimes you wish something for ur self :-)
Anonymous said…
I beleive that we do indeed live in our minds... and it's here the spirit resides - indomitable or vanquishable - that possibly being determined by those moments you mentioned.
If I were to hold onto one thing in this whole world, that would be the 'indomitable spirit'. Other thoughts, mood, ups-and-down can have a free whirling ride.
Vandana Bhatia said…
Hehe ..i liked you all juggling with the thoughts remembering and correlating the moments in ur minds. Some cells do work in the same thought zone, and I liked the notion which seema shared that she had the same thoughts when she read the post ..and suti who found this revived him from the multi threading jungle he was on. You owe me a coffee for that ..and remember 1 spoon brown sugar ..i like my coffee sweet.
Ankit I like your mind games :)

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