Live life kingsize !

There is something really beautiful my dance instructor said yesterday, which was also encapsulation of what I was thinking of writing, since sometime last week. I wrote this post to keep these lovely thoughts with me and to share it with you all, who come over to my blog to read my mind. :) The thought started on the aspect, that she was stressing on enjoyment in dance and not just dancing. And parallely my thoughts on this post was coming in from an article from Osho on the control of the state of mind. I am trying to jist it down to my own words and thoughts here. I hope I get across this thought as nicely I learnt it.

The way we are brought up somewhere we can feel that its very easy to be angry and its really difficult to smile and enjoy. The difficulty comes from the simple fact that a smile cant be genuine unless it comes from within and on the other hand bringing out anger can be really easy. Envision this...can you be angry for an hour ? I would think its not difficult at all..think of all the bad things in life and you have more than an hour's collection to be really mad and be in foul mood. Now contemplate can you be happy ..really happy and smiliing for an hour. This may not be a deterrant that something nice is happening for a moment and you are smiling. But can you be genuinely happy for no reason ..just thinking of all good things which may have happened and stay in that state for more than an hour. Its all the more difficult to move in the celebration mode of life with each moment we live. When someone is going through a bad phase in life, we come out and sympathize and try to be nice. This may be way in trying to feel happy that its not me, who is suffering and its you instead..! On the contrary when someone is jovial and is enjoying life as it comes, we become jealous. This is something inherently wrong in the way mankind reacts and its just not you and me its with all of us. We show an outside facade (or a fake happiness) that we may be happy but somewhere a thought triggers down, why am I not so lucky instead or what wrong have I done to not to achieve it ?? and this state of turmoil leads to jealousy, anger and a state of mental disturbance. I was reading on an article from Osho the other day, where he emphasized on this saying, the state of mind is your own creation, you decided to feel bad and not celebrate, to what life has served you in the platter. Instead you go and see what looks good on other platters.! And if you yourself decide to feel bad its completely you who is responsible for your suffering. Can you change what may be in store for us in destiny ..if not than why not take it all with smiling faces and good spirits. It may be difficult but yet worth a shot ..what do u think?


Anonymous said…
Some aeons back, a song had stirred a few brain synapses and made people sit up and comment on it generally. The song went "Dont worry, be happy" - as simply as that - "If blah blah happened in your life and blah blah is going wrong - dont worry, be happy". Even my school principal had said that this song exhorts us to be happy but does not tell us how to be happy. When I read Deepak Chopra's columns in the Sunday papers, I read his comments about being happy and warm and cosy and what not. But does he really mean it? If these great rishis and wonder makers want us to be happy and show us not how to, why dont they do something more - like wave a magic wand over us and say "abracadabra" and we all start feeling warm and cosy and happy etc. Wont the world be so boring thereafter? Wont these Mills and Boon novelists and Ekta Kapoors and Suraj Barjatyas and Karan Johars who were making a livelihood on feeding us with schmaltz, tears, jealousy, hatred and all these unwanted feelings all flop and wont they be dubbed as folks who wrote Utopian stuff... I would rather have the world as it is, I would rather have my colleague eyeing my new cellphone and me gettting green on seeing my neighbor's Octavia rather than all of us sitting smug and happy. And then when I cant take it anymore, I can take up a cuppa coffee and bitch with a friend who would care to listen. Till then lets see why my code is not compiling....
Vandana Bhatia said…
@Vsood -> Thanks for adding a few cents more to my thoughts :)

@Suti -> If u tell me jealousy makes life interesting ..i may agree to an extent ..its a spice and I may just like a pinch of that. But when I talked on being smug ..the philosophy comes out not from Deepak Chopra's terms, purely from what I believe in from what I have liked to learn from a few good folks around me. If you continue on that dosage of feeling starved, you may not be living your life completly. Another thought which I pass on here, when we die and till very last times, if we continue to remain in the state of despair that this wrong deed happened to me, this fella had stabbed me in my back, or I was not loved quite enough ..these fetishness stay with us and we stay in these circles and imbibe the ones who care in this whole circle of misery. The whole idea is to live as it comes..learn to be happy and enjoy it ..even if you may be lonely ..even if your platter may not have diamonds you saw in your neighbour's platter. They dont run your life you do and if you want to stay in misery who may like to save u. BTW I still love comedies like Angoor more to KANK. Don't you?
Anonymous said…
Well - we are going into an Angoor vs KANK debate. I like Angoor more than KANK but not because of the content but more because of quality. I dont qualify KANK as a movie - its just a kid splurging his money on something he doesnt understand. But if you tell me if I compare Angoor with Masoom, I would rate Masoom higher than Angoor but not again because of content but because of quality. Anyway I never like delving in sorrow, pain or even happiness - else I would have become a showcase example for these things - losing a mother at 6, a dad at 24 and what not... I like living in the present and never prolonging the feeling, whether of happiness or of pain. Nor do I worry myself to death for my neighbor's Octavia - I rather look forward to a ride on it. What I mean to say is that its not bad to have different emotions and different levels of these different emotions (God didnt give us tear ducts or for the matter, the different regions of the brains to feel different emotions for nothing) and trying to control them is the same as the other extreme, who try to be depressed, no matter what. Let us be honest and say that we do enjoy different emotions and be uninhibited about it and at the same time we are mature enough to know that its our life after all... and what we need, after all, is some food, and a good night's sleep everyday. So I dont want to enjoy when its the time to be sad - I simply want to live life normally.
Vandana Bhatia said…
Well said there and adding my pennies again to these thoughts there. How many times would u like to see Masoom verses Angoor? (BTW I loved Masoom as well however have repeated angoor many a times more) Good times are far more lovlier to keep in memory books. And like I said Jealousy as a Spice is enjoyment too. Only today we have lost the significance of taking it as a spice its taken as a full fledged meal..thats when its frightening/sad. U dream of driving an octavia some day and even if it doesnt come true, wud it make a difference. You had millions of other things which were far more beautiful and enjoyable...likewise each one has had their own share of sorrows. Its just not drowning into the spice taking them as a meal in itself is what the thought travelled to.
Vandana Bhatia said…
Another one for u Suti many moments since morning can u count when you were happy not angry not mad at something and not without in the feeling of being Sad/happy ? Realize that and u may get to where i am pointing.
Another thought came to me (I am now also anchoring the drive for the give as u earn movement here..the NGO asked me once many times do we wake up these days and say we will do a good deed today ? Make an old lady cross the road and don't u feel happy ? And just ignore her on her own and does it make a difference to u now ?
Anonymous said…
Well - we are converging ... what I mean to say is that a pinch of different emotions mixed together makes up a complete, liveable life. And I am always into this donation thing (remember the Reachout program in Huggies - I had coined the term and some of us had joined hands and were into this program before Rashmi hijacked it and made it official and also renaming it as Outreach - I dont know if it still exists... but the good thing is that I am still donating ...) Well - I never intentionally hurt someone and most probably if some old woman wanted to cross the road, I would help her out (I landed in trouble in Austria while doing so - I helped a hobo cross the road and he wont somehow let me go and was telling me things I didnt even understand till someone helped me out, saying that the person was crazy)...But this feeling of anger/angst in the mornings is not there somehow - I simply dont think - I have only 45 minutes in which I have to get my son ready for school and its a mad mad world in the morning... and then work is too much in office to have negative thoughts ... just quoting a song I had heard long time back though the movie itself was very lousy, the song went like this -" where is the time to hate when there is so little time to love...."
Vandana Bhatia said…
I can just imagine ..Envision this 'try and help an old lady cross a lane and she comes and tells u back u think i am old and cant even cross a road !! Hmm ..i like the spirit lady ..just keep it up :)' hehe
The Reachout club isnt there anymore its called Give as u earn now. And howsoever little be the time in a euphoria of happiness and thats what it is. BTW I enjoyed this spike of thoughts this morning ..with u both :)

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