Nostalgic moments

Sometimes its nostalgic thinking about past. This morning was just one of those days. Today I completed nine years of my association with my current organization. Its been really long time and as a dear friend reminded me ..infact when i logged in my machine that was the first message out on my machine and it brought me back the picture when we joined here.

my friend :Nine years back we started a journey, together Many seasons passed, many dear ones became pictures on the wall - my dad, an aunt, my granpa.Summer, winter, monsoons, all went marching past We walked in long strides our own ways...
Got smaller and smaller trying to fit the horizon....Nine years .... it almost seems like yesterday....

me : true ..its almost nostalgic much we changed and our lives changed since those years. When we joined this place, we were more happy go lucky people no fear in the world and a passion which would think nothing is impossible and now its a little mellowed attitude ..i guess years in the life teaches one so much. Its a date for u too to commensurate with and thoh u may not be here for as longas we are, I wish u too on the day when u started this eventful journey here

my friend : definitely - i am missing u folks .... i am feeling so nostalgic, misty eyed about that day

me: i know ...thinking abt this is almost like thinking abt its my birthday today

my friend ::
all my trouble seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they`re here to stay
Oh I believe in yesterday

I`m not half the man I used to be
there`s a shaddow hanging over me
Oh yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don`t know
she wouldn`t say
I said something wrong
Now I long for yesterday

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go.......

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm............

courtesy Beatles

me: thats too much of sentiments out ..celebrate the day for one reason or the other

my friend: i guess u are right .... u are still there for me to be there ... i have to close my eyes and transport myself to the room where we were having our oasis thing

me: i realised that life teaches us one thing ..take the best from the moment ..which may be best of memories nt the bad times ..that memory shall keep u happy today


Anonymous said…
I have been awake for too long..
I need to borrow some dreams from my yesterday,

I miss those day, i miss you..
I miss me, for I haven't been myself for a long long way
Vandana Bhatia said…
I missed u too and all these well timed (I call them crazily well timed and rhymed thoughts, which I loved hearing and reading :) ). You are a part of this nostagia too for all the memories sweat and sour.! Thanks for keeping urself a part of my memory book!

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