May you be blessed with soulful smiles !

I was wondering while walking down the lane to my home, how many faces do I see who are smiling ..infact I thought would count it out for once. But alas the number was too close to negligible. The only smiles people share are the acknowlegement smile and they are not soulful. One such smile I remember is of a sardarjI uncle I used to meet for my morning stroll in the park, close to my place, where I used to go for morning jog.
We would meet and smile and wish good morning and he would say" God bless you my child"and I would ask if he was doing okay. And I think we would look forward to this small interchange everyday.
He said his blessings from soul for they were so toughing and he had such a pleasant face.
And if I would go after a gap he would ask me "Coming after a long time ?"
The reason I remembered it is I felt sorrow for the people who actually needed laugh clubs to laugh the happiness which one soulful smile can pass is so much missing these days.
Neways another book I just finished ..its called "Marriage market". It was supposed to be a comic satire when I picked it up from the book store. But it was a page turner on the life of youth in the background of UK, where adultry and lack of commitment was depicted like its every child's play in the street there.
We all know clubbing, adultry dont lead to anywhere else but repentence..yet !!
The story was another moral clarification for the youth all stuck with these aspects and realizing it in their own hard way.'
(It was no way a comedy category more of a drama, for it couldnt evoke even a single laugh anywhere)
But no one wants to learn from others experiences..sometimes a few dont want to learn at all .
Why is it that Whiskey being such a bitter and pukish drink half the world is crazy for it only to repel and repent over it later ?


Vandana Bhatia said…
I dont see Sardarji uncle anymore, and I am afraid if he maynt be around anymore :(
I jotted down his memories so not to lose them over time.
The book wasnt really random but it weaved a story of a playful youth following a culture which is prevelant in the country, which moulds them as to its shape. Thats true we have live examples here too from the celeb world and from the non-celeb world too..but do they set an example. They are big time hypopcrites...else what wud be call a person who is great in his career but left the person who supported him all while like a pillar right from the time when he was nothing (I am talking on Saif and Aamir both). Can anyone leave a relationship so easy after having children too by saying we arent compatible any more (and that too when this relationship grew from love and affection) ?
I perfectly agree to the night and morning theory ... but wish people could relate to the beauty of night i dont say "i dont drink" ..but i drink what my taste buds like to taste ..only to the point where i have complete sense to appreciate the lightness floating around..not to be bowled over with it completly..i think thats plain cowardice to let something empower your senses to blindness for a while.
Vandana Bhatia said…
But can u actually forget the sorrows by drinking ? Its a momentary block ..and if this was the solution the whole earth should hv drowned in the drink.
I am not talking devdas am talking life in reality..there are tons of way out for sorrows..if only we were alive enough to take notice

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