All That Jazz

I was just catching up on with some friends recently and Ankit quoted on my dance classes. And I quipped to him that I need to write a blog for that. More so it was an excuse for taking time out which I had been avoiding for a long time for a lot of work load around. To an extent I didnt miss my blog for I kept writing in one way or the other :) I havent left my dance school as yet..and I hope not to do so as well. Its been a long time I have been with them and over these years I have learnt a lot ..a little more than just dance and it helped me overall. I learnt patience dont get things in one shot ..yet you have to keep striving for it..keep on finding what works for you and once you do ..try for even higher..can u do yet better than that. I was commenting to Ashu (at work) that there was a time I wanted to be able to address a group of people as a good communicator and not only a communicator I wanted to hold their attention till the time I was talking and I didnt have it in ...